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HONDA RS250 1993~2008 BATTLE FACTORY 'ONE TOUCH' FRONT WHEEL STAND - (Stainless Steel) £140.00 + VAT
HONDA RS250 1993~2008 BATTLE FACTORY FRONT WHEEL STAND - (Stainless Steel) £335.00 + VAT
HONDA RS250 1993~2000 BATTLE FACTORY REAR WHEEL STAND - (Stainless Steel) £355.00 + VAT
HONDA RS250 2001~2008 BATTLE FACTORY REAR WHEEL STAND - (Stainless Steel) £165.00 + VAT
Exports of all parts supplied outside of UK, to EU Countries, USA, Australia, South Africa, Asia etc are exempt from UK VAT and will be charged 0% VAT.
On arrival to your destination country, you may be asked to pay additional duties and taxes by customs, before the shipment is delivered.
Import tax, customs & duties regulations vary from country to country.
Payment of all Import tax, customs & duties charges are the responsibility of the customer.
On arrival to your destination country, you may be asked to pay additional duties and taxes by customs, before the shipment is delivered.
Import tax, customs & duties regulations vary from country to country.
Payment of all Import tax, customs & duties charges are the responsibility of the customer.
SP125 Limited
22 Walker Wood, Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD17 5BE, England
Telephone 01274 583231 [email protected] Mobile 07738 626165
22 Walker Wood, Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD17 5BE, England
Telephone 01274 583231 [email protected] Mobile 07738 626165
SP125 Limited Disclaimer
Honda, HRC and all other parts supplied by the SP125 Limited are not guaranteed when used in competition events.
As such, it is a condition of our making all parts available that it is solely the decision of each individual, rider, team member or
team whether they choose to use any part supplied and in doing so, absolve the manufacturer and SP125 Limited of any or all
such claims, including damage to equipment and/or injury to personnel irrespective of how caused.
All parts remain property of SP125 Limited until paid for in full.
All 'special order' parts, that are ordered specially under the instruction of the customer, are non returnable and non refundable.
Honda, HRC and all other parts supplied by the SP125 Limited are not guaranteed when used in competition events.
As such, it is a condition of our making all parts available that it is solely the decision of each individual, rider, team member or
team whether they choose to use any part supplied and in doing so, absolve the manufacturer and SP125 Limited of any or all
such claims, including damage to equipment and/or injury to personnel irrespective of how caused.
All parts remain property of SP125 Limited until paid for in full.
All 'special order' parts, that are ordered specially under the instruction of the customer, are non returnable and non refundable.